When is the Best Time to Exercise?

Is it morning or afternoon? When is the best time to exercise for maximum results, maximum magic? Let's find out...

Would it surprise you if I told you there was a simple answer to that question?

You might not be, if you’ve read any of my other pages. And that answer is….

Whenever is convenient for you. 

Yep. There’s no mystery. No fancy, all swinging timing formula. Because different people thrive at different times of the day. Whenever you can fit in a workout….that is the best time of day to exercise. 

Because you only start to feel the benefits of exercise, the magic of exercise, when you do it consistently. And yep, to be consistent it has to be convenient. 

It has to fit into your day. 

Regular exercise has to become a part of your daily schedule, your weekly routine. 

So how do you figure out what time of the day is convenient for you?

Let’s work this out together...

Morning or afternoon? When is the best time to exercise for maximum effect? Here is everything you need to know...

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Best Time to Exercise: Are You Up for an Early Morning Workout?

I have to workout in the morning….before my brain realises what is happening.

I have to workout in the morning….before my brain realises what is happening.

Do you often have great plans to have a workout whilst kids are having their afternoon nap, or afternoon quite time?

Do you think, yes I’ll get a quick swim in on the way home from work?

But by the end of the day you’re knackered. It's already been a long day and the last thing you want to do is get home and do any kind of physical activity.

Then chances are you’re a morning person. You're an early bird.

You like to get out of the house early, do your doing and then get back for a ‘lazy’ afternoon. 

If this is the case, the best time to exercise would be the morning. Yep, early workouts would suit you down to the ground. 

Aren’t we all morning people when you’ve got kids?

No. Not really.

We might all have to get up….and go, first thing, when we’ve got kids, but you can still be an afternoon person. 

Be a bit slow to get started. A bit slow out of the blocks. 

But, if you do your best work in the morning, that’s when you should exercise. 

Morning workouts do have lots of beneficial effects.

Morning workouts are great for weight loss and fat loss

They can help with greater weight loss and fat loss, as you’ll be working out in a fasted stated, meaning on an empty stomach. That means your body will turn to it’s fat stores to fuel your workout.

Morning workouts can help you warm up for the day

It can help to warm you up for the day. No more picking up 15 kilos worth of toddler without warming up your muscles.

Morning workouts can help turn you into a morning person

Morning exercisers often turn into morning people, as your body clock resets. Your circadian rhythm resets. You'll have better sleep quality and feel more alert in the morning. Wouldn't a good night's sleep be great?

Morning workouts can help set you up for being healthy for the rest of the day

It can also help set you up for the rest of the day. Help you have a healthier day. You’re much more likely to eat healthier, have a positive outlook and feel more energised after your workout. So it stands to reason the earlier you do that in the day, the better.

If you are working out in the morning and you feel light headed or struggle to get through it you might need a little bit of food beforehand. A banana would be a great option.

But, if morning isn't your best time to exercise, you’re just not a morning person, don’t worry. There are lots of benefits to working out in the afternoon as well.

Best Time to Exercise: Is late afternoon, early evening your perfect time?

Are you a morning person? If you're not, don't even try and workout in the morning. It just won't happen for you. And there are lots of benefits to working out in the afternoon.

Are you a morning person? If you're not, don't even try and workout in the morning. It just won't happen for you. And there are lots of benefits to evening exercise.

If you really can’t face a morning workout, then why not try afternoon or evening workouts. 

Remember, whenever is best for you.

If you need three cups of coffee just to get out of bed. And it takes an hour before you can start focusing properly….you’re really not a morning person, and you should probably think about working out in the afternoon instead. 

Well, let’s face it, getting yourself up and ready. Getting breakfast sorted. And probably lunch. Your toddler to brush their teeth, get dressed. Get shoes and socks on and get out of the door. 

It can all seem like an insurmountable task. 

Why try and add anything to that?

Instead, you could try a lunchtime workout? Yep, the afternoon is the best time to exercise for you. 

Either when kids are asleep/having quiet time. Or during your lunch hour. It could be a less stressful option for you. 

Remember your workout only has to be 15 minutes, which leaves 45 minutes of a typical lunch break.

It can also be a better time if you’re planning on doing an event. 

10k, half marathon, full marathon, triathlon, strong woman comp. Whatever your ‘thing’ is….if your goal is physical performance based rather than weight loss/fat loss, afternoon workouts would be a better fit. 

It’s all down to your food intake.

Hopefully you would’ve eaten by the time you reach your workout which means you’ll be able to fuel it. You'll have the energy levels to push that little bit harder. Your performance will be better. You'll get better results.

You’ll also have something to look forward to all day. And that’s got to be a nice feeling. 

Best time to exercise: How Do You Find YOUR Right Time?

Ok, so what’s next?

How do we find out what YOUR best time to exercise is? When you can fit in a workout during your week?

Firstly you need to ask yourself some questions…

What Type of Person Are You?

Are you in with the early birds or the night owls? Do you prefer to get all of your stuff done in the morning?

Or, are you better if you have time to work up to it. Once you’ve woken up a bit.

Would your best time to exercise be morning or afternoon?

What Are Your Fitness Goals?

Are you looking to drop a bit of body fat? Maybe some belly fat? The baby pouch? Get your pre-baby body back?

Or, are you looking more to get your pre-baby fitness back?

Maybe you’ve signed up for a 10k run, strong woman competition, or maybe you’ve gone all out and decided to do a full marathon.

Secondly, What Does your week look like. Now. 

When planning when you can exercise you need to work out what you week looks like now...

As you are. Right now. 

  • Do the kids go to nursery/childminder/grandparents, regularly?  
  • Are there any times during the day when your kids are happier to play by themselves….need a little less attention from you?
What does your week look like now? Are there any times of the day your kids are pre-occupied?

Little K has two periods in the day when she NEEDS to be by herself. Just after breakfast and just after dinner.

I know I can get quite a bit done during this time….cleaning, cooking, preparing for the next day, workouts.

Because she’s otherwise engaged, she needs less attention from me.

  • Is there a period in the week when you’re a bit stuck for things to do with the kids?
Are there any times in the week when you're all a bit bored? Could you play an active game together? Go for a walk or bike ride?

Any days when you’re just all a bit bored.

You may have activities scheduled most of the week, but if there is any time when you haven’t and you feel like you rely a bit too much on the telly to keep them entertained….

why not play a game with the kids that you can turn into a workout?

Kill two birds with one stone.

  • Are there any chores/activities that you can walk to and or from?
Can you walk to any of your weekly activities or chores? A walk to the supermarket hitting the park on the way back?

Walking can be a great way to workout, especially if you’re pushing a pram.

On a Tuesday I used to get hubby to drop me and little K to the supermarket.

We’d whizz around getting the stuff we needed and then walk home via the park.

A 5k walk every Tuesday, pushing a pram up hills.

  • Are there any times during the day when your kids are happier to play by themselves….need a little less attention from you?
What does your week look like now? Are there any times of the day your kids are pre-occupied?

Little K has two periods in the day when she NEEDS to be by herself. Just after breakfast and just after dinner.

I know I can get quite a bit done during this time….cleaning, cooking, preparing for the next day, workouts.

Because she’s otherwise engaged, she needs less attention from me.

  • Is there a period in the week when you’re a bit stuck for things to do with the kids?
Are there any times in the week when you're all a bit bored? Could you play an active game together? Go for a walk or bike ride?

Any days when you’re just all a bit bored.

You may have activities scheduled most of the week, but if there is any time when you haven’t and you feel like you rely a bit too much on the telly to keep them entertained….

why not play a game with the kids that you can turn into a workout?

Kill two birds with one stone.

  • Are there any chores/activities that you can walk to and or from?
Can you walk to any of your weekly activities or chores? A walk to the supermarket hitting the park on the way back?

Walking can be a great way to workout, especially if you’re pushing a pram.

On a Tuesday I used to get hubby to drop me and little K to the supermarket.

We’d whizz around getting the stuff we needed and then walk home via the park.

A 5k walk every Tuesday, pushing a pram up hills.

Lastly, do those two mesh, or do you need to do some jiggling?

If you’re lucky enough those two will line up and your best time to exercise will jump out at you.

You’ll be able to find time during your week, regularly, that you can workout, when you want to. 

But, not all of us are that lucky. So, you might have to do some jiggling of schedules, expectations, or your goals. 

I would much prefer to workout in the morning, and when little K is with grandparents, that is what I do. 

But, when we’re spending the day together, which is most of the week, I much prefer to get out and about early….for the same reasons I prefer working out in the morning. So, we go out in the morning. 

She has a small nap in the car on the way home, and we have a quiet afternoon, where she plays by herself for an hour and I do a workout/yoga/clean/cook dinner.

Best Time to Exercise: Go Find Your Ideal Time to Workout

Does that help?

Can you go off and find your best time to exercise? Can you make exercise a part of your daily/weekly routine?

I do hope so. Because it’s only then that you’ll start to appreciate the positive effects of exercise. Find the magic of exercise. And believe me, there really is magic on the other side. 

So find out what works for you. Take the time and reap the rewards.

You’re worth it. 

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Want to know more before you sign up?

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